Hello, I'm Jésu 🤗

As an artist and T-shaped designer, I am passionate about using design thinking to design things that are boringly obvious. My mission is to provide value through design while working alongside compassionate, and driven individuals who are committed to solving challenges through collaborative work.

Over the past decade, I've worked with companies to improve or create products and brands. Some of these companies are Trulia, Chick-fil-A, Ngmoco, Cloud CMA, and Verizon.


Currently, I'm a senior visual/product designer at Lone Wolf Tech, where I'm helping design the future of real estate products and contributing to the Helix Design System.

Previously, I served as senior visual designer at W+R Studios (now Lone Wolf Tech), where I redesigned the Cloud CMA brand, and helped design and market products such as HomebeatCloud CMA Live, and Cloud CMA

Previously, I served as a senior designer at Brand Apart, where I worked on evolving the Chick-fil-A® brand by collaborating with strategic partners to enhance internal and external brand touch points.

Previously, I served as a visual designer at Wake Interactive, where I helped small and large companies with their brands and marketing websites.


A picture of Jésu Cardenas being happy

Colombian-American immigrant raised in South Florida, currently a resident of Louisville, Colorado. A very calm and sleepy town, close to great trails, with (usually) great humans.

In my spare time, you'll find me on a bike, playing with my golden retriever Ash, fixing or updating my body/brain, or my favorite; people watching.

My favorite movie character is Lieutenant Dan.

The Overlaps in Design Systems Thinking and Daily Habits.
A drip campaign tool to keep Real Estate Agents top-of-mind with homeowners.