Rebranding a Loved Product

With over 250k users, Cloud CMA was the most popular product in W+R Studio's suite. The other products had struggled to get name recognition, and given that W+R Studios wanted to expand their product offering, a brand overhaul was the responsible move.


Brand governance

Brand implementation

Creation of brand language

Logo design

Creative direction

Research + strategy

Brand audit



B2B SaaS


3 months (2021)

The logo structure was not an ideal foundation to create logos for future product offerings. Also, the parent brand, W+R Studios, was disassociated with the name Cloud CMA.

We conducted a brand audit and research and it revealed that agents loved the name Cloud CMA and they associated it with great things. The name Cloud CMA had clout.

A branded house approach was suggested to leverage the Cloud name. It served as an obvious starting point to educate Cloud CMA users on the other valuable products W+R Studios had to offer. Thankfully, key stake-holders trusted the research and design thinking and went with the solution.

We created custom logotypes, supporting visual assets, and implemented the new brand in print and digital touch points. After launch, we expanded the brand to accomodate new products like Cloud Attract, Homebeat, and Cloud CMA Live.

Radical for its time, the Cloud symbol has survived one acquisition, and is currently the property of Lone Wolf Technologies. It has become one of real estate's most recognizable trademarks.

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Agents began to use more than one product after the implementation of the new brand. Company culture improved due to a better company identity, both internally and externally. Ultimately, Cloud Agent Suite was noticed by a big player in real estate who was impressed enough to acquire it in 2021.


Brand governance

Brand implementation

Creation of brand language

Logo design

Creative direction

Research + strategy

Brand audit

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