Admin Dashboard Redesign

An overdue redesign of the admin dashboard of Cloud CMA, a tool that helps Real Estate Agents build Comparative Market Analysis reports and presentations.



System design

UI design

UX design




B2B SaaS


3 months (2021)

Internal feedback signaled that the admin dashboard needed work. It was convoluted and outdated — both functionally and aesthetically. Onboarding new users took unnecessarily long and it was done by our development team.

The redesign had several objectives: Allow broker customers to self-serve for common user management tasks, including bulk adding agents. Remove the dependency on our development team to support with these tasks. Provide an onboarding experience for brokers and their agents that fits with modern software practices (self-serve, no hand-holding required). Provide a more useful dashboard with usage statistics that can help broker admins manage their members and better understand how the value of the tool.

The design team started thinking about user flows and iterating on these with engineers. As we gained a shared understanding of the problem, we moved into wireframes. We revisited these occasionally as edge cases cropped up that needed additional thinking.

The redesigned experience is divided into three main sections: admin onboarding, bulk import, and the dashboard. The admin onboarding process guides new users through the setup process and helps them get familiar with the system. The bulk import feature allows users to easily upload their agent roster, saving time and effort. The dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of all the key data and features, making it easy for users to access and manage their account. Together, these three segments provide a streamlined and intuitive experience that helps users get up and running quickly and efficiently.

Here are a few of the pleasant details that create a joyful experience. The fuzzy search feature allows users to find the desired results even if they are not exact matches for the search criteria. This is especially useful when users are unsure of the exact spelling or wording of their search terms. The fuzzy search feature also highlights the characters that were typed, making it easier for users to see their search terms within the results. The use case is mostly desktop, but sometimes users check on their mobile phones, so mobile friendly is never an afterthought.

The simplified field matching screen, which appears after a bulk upload, helps users quickly and easily correct any mistakes in their data. This feature saves time and ensures that agents are correctly added to rosters, improving the accuracy and efficiency of the process. The intuitive layout and clear prompts make it easy for users to identify and fix any issues, streamlining the process and allowing them to move on to other tasks more quickly.

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Removing friction for the user/s with functional wins like type-ahead search to find agents, prioritizing key metrics for billing purposes, and bulk import has received positive feedback from the end user. Understanding the problem from different perspectives and knowing the technical limitations provided a perfect recipe to shape and design the full experience. High-fidelity prototypes proved to be useful for user testing, validation, and stakeholder buy-in.

We launched this redesign to a small set of early access customers. After demonstrating that it didn’t negatively impact key metrics (but rather boosted them) we decided to roll the redesign out to everyone.



System design

UI design

UX design


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An arrow pointing up and right hand corner of screen. Hinting that it will take you to a an external destination.